This intensive five-day course presents a concise coverage of the many issues that can affect the durability of reinforced concrete construction. It does this from both an academic and practical basis by addressing a range of topics in the areas of durability and also structural integrity, including the most recent research information. The course specifically deals with the selection of materials for the manufacture, placement and performance of high quality, durable concrete for use in a variety of exposure conditions, but especially in hot, humid and chloride risk environments. If concrete of appropriate quality is placed, the concrete (and also the structure) will be able to perform adequately through its design life. If it cannot, then the concrete will gradually deteriorate with consequential effects on its appearance, performance and possibility its structural integrity.
Who should Attend
Civil and structural engineers involved with RC construction. Materials engineers, consultants, specifiers, government agencies, building contractors, concrete and reinforcement suppliers, quality assurance personnel, construction managers. Academic staff and researchers with interests in concrete and materials.